About the show
Linux Out Loud is a community powered podcast. We take conversations from the Community from places like the Discourse Forums, Telegram group, Discord server and more. We also take topics from other shows around the network to give our takes. Linux Out Loud podcast is brought to you by the TuxDigital Network!
72: Listener Questions | DLN Xtend
September 1st, 2021 | 40 mins 41 secs
community questions, dnl mega fest, fps, listener questions, nvidia, pine phone, pine64, pinephone, proton
On this episode of DLN Xtend, we answer some listener questions.
71: 30 Years of Linux | DLN Xtend
August 25th, 2021 | 45 mins 53 secs
30 years, 3d printer, apple, elementary os, linux, linux community, mac os, old hardware, retro tech, tech freedom 30 years of linux
On this episode of DLN Xtend, we celebrate 30 years of Linux.
70: Pining about Pine64 | DLN Xtend
August 18th, 2021 | 47 mins 17 secs
destination linux, dln xtend, dlnx, linux hardware, pine 64, pinephone, pinetab, pinetime, tenacity, wayland
On this episode of DLN Xtend, we discuss Pine64 and all its products.
69: To Roll or not to Roll | DLN Xtend
August 11th, 2021 | 38 mins 44 secs
commodore 64, lts, manjaro, nvidia, opensuse, pine64, pinetime, pop os, rolling release, rtx, system 76, tenacity
On this episode of DLN Xtend we discuss, whether or not rolling is the way to go for Linux distributions.
68: Making Hardware Choices | DLN Xtend
August 4th, 2021 | 48 mins 8 secs
audacity, distro hopping, hardware purchase, manjaro, new hardware, nvidia, rtx, tenacity, used hardware
On this episode of DLN Xtend we discuss, how we pick our computer hardware.
67: The Steam Deck | DLN Xtend
July 27th, 2021 | 50 mins 16 secs
arch, hand held linux gaming, hardware cleaning, manjaro, opensuse, pine64, pinephone, pinetab, pinetime, pipewire, proton, steam deck, steam machine, valve
On this episode of DLN Xtend we discuss, Valveās new Linux-powered Gaming Console, the Steam Deck.
66: Linux Users and Privacy | DLN Xtend
July 20th, 2021 | 55 mins 50 secs
audacity, chrome, crome browser, dln chat, fire dragon, firefox, game privacy, leocad, linux in education, linux privacy, opencl, opensuse, opensuse education, pi hole, privacy, ps4, ps4 games, social media, steam, suse, tenacity, valve, vpn
On this episode of DLN Xtend we discuss, do Linux users really care about privacy?
65: Musing About Audacity | DLN Xtend
July 13th, 2021 | 44 mins 45 secs
arch, audacity, cla, gtk apps, muse group, privacy policy, qt apps, snaps, telemetry, ubuntu, ubuntu unity
On this episode of DLN Xtend we discuss the musings that have been going on in the community about Audacity.
64: Excitement Around Distro Releases | DLN Xtend
July 6th, 2021 | 39 mins 42 secs
arch, commodore64, commodore64 games, community excitement, distro hopper, distro release, fedora, manjaro, open suse, pixel games, rolling release, stable release, ubuntu
On this episode of DLN Xtend we discuss if there is excitement around new distro releases.
63: Is Linux Coming To An End? | DLN Xtend
June 29th, 2021 | 50 mins 21 secs
android, chrome os, corporate linux, death of linux, floppy disk, fushia, ibm, linux kernel, pine 64, pine phone, red hat, retro tech
On this episode of DLN Xtend we discuss is this the end for Linux?
62: Tech Enthusiast or Tech Hoarder | DLN Xtend
June 22nd, 2021 | 36 mins 59 secs
mailfence, private mail, proton mail, tech collector, tech enthusiast, tech hoarder, tutanota
On this episode of DLN Xtend we discuss when tech enthusiasm can become a problem.
61: Cloud VS Local Storage | DLN Xtend
June 15th, 2021 | 43 mins 10 secs
art, cloud storage, darktable, dropbox, google drive, icloud, linux phone, local storage, nextcloud, onedrive, owncloud, pinephone, rawtherapee, storage, ubports, ubuntu touch
On this episode of DLN Xtend we discuss the pros and cons of cloud and local storage.