Matt has hosted 153 Episodes.
30: Game On | DLN Xtend
September 9th, 2020 | 44 mins 38 secs
dln, dln xtend, linux gaming, linux photography, photography
On this weeks episode of DLN Xtend we set aside some time and decide to talk about getting our video games on.
29: Our Linux Stories | DLN Xtend
August 31st, 2020 | 45 mins 32 secs
dln, gaming, linux, linux gaming, opensuse, photography, switching to linux
On this week's episode of DLN Xtend we decide to get a little personal and tell our Linux story.
28: Contributing Back to Open Source | DLN Xtend
August 22nd, 2020 | 45 mins 18 secs
contributing to open source, linux, linux gaming, open source, photography
On this week's episode of DLN Xtend we talk about ways to give back to the community that go beyond just code.
27: Making the Switch | DLN Xtend
August 13th, 2020 | 48 mins 21 secs
architecture, gaming, linux, linux podcast, photography
On this week's episode of DLN Xtend we talk about making the Switch over to Linux.
26: It's All About Choice | DLN Xtend
August 4th, 2020 | 42 mins 1 sec
architecture, gaming, linux, linux podcast, photography
On this weeks episode of DLN Xtend we talk about choice and how user’s come to make the decisions they do in their hardware and software.
25: The Right to Upgrade | DLN Xtend
July 28th, 2020 | 47 mins 8 secs
asus, gaming, linux, pinephone, right to repair
On this weeks episode of DLN Xtend we talk about users having the ability and right to upgrade their technology when and where they see fit.
24: Is Criticism Just Negativity? | DLN Xtend
July 20th, 2020 | 45 mins 33 secs
criticism, gaming, linux, photography
In this episode of DLN Xtend we discuss criticism. Is it always negative? How do we take it as open-source projects, creators, or even as users of a project?
23: Moving Targets | DLN Xtend
July 13th, 2020 | 42 mins 26 secs
linux, linux applications, photography, privacy
On this episode of DLN Xtend we talk about the future of communication, and the constant moving target as it relates to switching to any type of new or different platform.
22: Why Gaming on Linux Matters, Linux Mint Forbids Snaps? | DLN Xtend
July 6th, 2020 | 42 mins 47 secs
gaming, linux, photography, snaps
On this episode of DLN Xtend, we introduce two new hosts. While also talking about how one area of Linux that might not interest us, can still have an affect on the parts we do care about. While also seeing what the hosts have been up too.